During last weekend’s IARU contest (July 13-14th, 2013), we were a part of the German headquarter station DA0HQ from DL1A. The team, consisting of Fabian/DJ1YFK, Maik/DJ2QV, Florian/DK4AA and Ralf/DK7AH, operated on 40m CW and bravely fough the poor HF conditions.
More info:
- DA0HQ website: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/contest/da0hq/
- Official contest rules: http://www.arrl.org/iaru-hf-championship
- Preliminary score: http://www.darc.de/aktuelles/details/article/vorlaeufiges-ergebnis-fuer-daoehq/
- Score on 3830
- 2013 Headquarter scores on pileup.ru
Some photos (taken by DJ2QV and DK7AH):