For the Worked All Europe DX Contest CW 2013, DL1A was on the air with a small team (DJ1YFK, DJ2QV, DK7AH) in the M/S category.
Preliminary result:
BAND QSO DUP MLTS QTC POINTS AVG ----------------------------------------- 80 46 0 39 0 46 1.00 40 268 5 69 479 747 1.00 20 599 7 93 1193 1791 1.00 15 618 12 92 1542 2154 0.99 10 34 0 32 0 33 0.97 ----------------------------------------- TOTAL 1565 24 797 3214 4771 3.05 ========================================= ENDERGEBNIS: 3 802 48